23 Lectures
Azza – lecture 21
Is Azza part of Eretz Israel? Why is that even a question? What did Menachem Begin ask Rav Goren about Azza? and what was his answer?
Azza – lecture 22
Do the events of the war today (December 2024), affect Azza being part of the Land of Israel? We will see a Halachic opinion that Azza is “Chutz Laaretz” (not part of Israel) in every aspect. We will see the opposite opinion that Azza is considered totally a part of the Land of Israel. Also – a modern opinion that the very capturing of Azza today makes Azza part of the Land from a halachic point of view.
Azza – lecture 23
Last Azza lecture! Azza throughout history. When did Jews actually live in Azza? Listen to the famous song “Ya Ribon” written in Azza. Get advice from the days of the Hasmoneans – “shall we conquer Rafah?” And we’ll conclude with the optimistic prophecy being fulfilled today (end 2024) – “And I will send fire on the walls of Azza, destroying its palaces”