Author: Ben Zion
Levanon – lecture 5
Before his death, Moses ascends Mount Nevo and sees the entire Promised Land. But, he doesn’t really see as far as the Euphrates River, and he doesn’t see Levanon… what does that tell us? We will provide evidence for the claim that there really is a difference between the borders of the land in the…
Levanon – lecture 4
The idea that the mentions of Levanon refer to the “Beit Hamikdash” (the Holy Temple) seem to be a midrashic interpretation. Let’s go back to Moses’ words – “This good mountain and Levanon” and try to offer another explanation. What did Moses mean by the word “this”? Was he pointing to a particular mountain? Perhaps…
Hevron – lecture 9
Hevron and Tisha B`Av A special lesson about the connection between Hevron and Tisha B’Av. Hevron as a place of unity opposed to hatred and discord. Hevron as a place that expresses family bonds.And another look at the tense relationship between Moshe, Yehoshua and Calev regarding the conquest of the land.
Levanon – lecture 3
Chazal (the Sages) say that Moshe`s request to see “Levanon” is actually, referring to… the “Beit Hamikdash”, the holy temple. We will examine different explanations for this surprising statement. Surprising, because the Temple did not yet exist at the time of Moshe…
Hevron – lecture 8
Calev asks Yehoshua to receive Hevron. We will analyze their discussion: Why did Calev think that he should have been the leader? Did Moshe think so too? Is the request for Hevron a preparation for the return of leadership to the descendant of Calev – King David?
Levanon – lecture 2
Is Levanon part of the land of Canaan? Sidon (name of a city in Lebanon) is the first-born of Canaan, yet he is never mentioned among the nations of Canaan in the Torah? Why does Moshe ask to enter Israel to see “the good land” and… Levanon? Why does he single out Levanon? Isn’t Levanon…
Hevron – lecture 7
A fascinating comparison between – Joseph’s mission on his way from Hevron, the confrontation with the 10 tribes, and his descent to Egypt, and with- Calev’s mission in the opposite direction- from Egypt, the confrontation with the 10 tribes and his ascent to…Hevron
Levanon – lecture 1
Introducing: Levanon. Is Levanon part of the land of Israel? Did Yehoshua capture Levanon? and which Israeli king married a Lebanese princess? View the Kahoot game, introducing questions and answers referring to Levanon
Hevron – lecture 6
“And he sent him from the valley of Hevron” – why is hilly Hevron described as a valley? We will study different commentators, and see how a topographical map can explain Rashi’s famous explanation : that he was sent in accordance with the “deep” advice of Avraham who is buried in Hevron.
Hevron – lecture 5
Why did Jacob ask to be buried in Hevron and not with his beloved wife, in Beth-Lechem? Why did Moshe send the spies to Hevron? What did Calev understand about Hevron when he first visited there with the 10 spies? And in what sense is Calev even better than Yehoshua? What should we learn from…