Author: Ben Zion

  • Negev – lecture 5

    Negev – lecture 5

    In this lecture we delve into the character of Isaac, “man of the Negev,”. It seems that Isaac is described as a copy of Avraham. Digging and naming the same wells, his similar encounter with the King of Grar, his desire to descend to Egypt. Even in the story of the Akedah – Isaac is…

  • Levanon – lecture 16

    Levanon – lecture 16

    Levanon, the Fast of Gedaliah and Yom Kippur What happens when brothers don’t act like brothers? King Hiram “did not remember the brotherly covenant.” We will see similar examples – from Joseph till the murder of Gedaliah. We will understand why the Fast of Gedaliah truly complements Rosh Hashanah and how it connects to the…

  • Levanon – lecture 15

    Levanon – lecture 15

    In preparation for Rosh Hashanah, we will learn from Levanon about the repentance needed in this special year (2023). The repentance within the Jewish people, and the repentance of all nations (Rosh Hashanah is a day of judgment for the entire world). And the answer: to renew brotherhood and friendship. We will see the difference…

  • Negev – lecture 4

    Negev – lecture 4

    We saw that both Isaac and Esau were called “men of the field.” Today we will focus on the great difference between them. We will examine the many references in the Torah to Avraham in the Negev and ask – why did Avraham go to the Negev? And why is it important for the Torah…

  • Levanon – lecture 14

    Levanon – lecture 14

    The special family ties between Hiram, king of Tyre and the Kings of Israel and the special brotherly relationship with King Solomon. What happened to this brotherhood? How did Tyre become an enemy? We will find the answer – in the deep difference between Hiram, who outwardly behaved like a brother, and Hirah “HaAdulami” -…

  • Negev – lecture 3

    Negev – lecture 3

    On Purim we celebrate the victory over Amalek, and Amalek – according to the Bible – lives in the Negev. It all starts with the ancient ancestors of Israel and Amalek – Isaac and his son – Esau. It is written about both Isaac and Esau, that they were “people of the field”, and both…

  • Negev – lecture 2

    Negev – lecture 2

    What are the borders of the Negev according to the Torah? Why is the south sometimes called “Negev”, sometimes “Tayman” (Yemen) and sometimes “Yamin” (right, in English)? How does this relate to the name Jacob gave his son – “Binyamin” (son of “yamin”)? We will suggest some answers to the question that we have not…

  • Negev – lecture 1

    Negev – lecture 1

    A preliminary analysis of the “Negev” in the Torah.Where exactly is the Negev? And what does the word “Negev” mean in Hebrew?And why, of all places, does Avraham decide to go to the Negev when he first arrives in land of Israel?

  • Levanon – lecture 13

    Levanon – lecture 13

    What is the meaning of the strange comparison that the Midrash makes between Hiram the King of Tyre and Hirah, the friend of Judah (son of Yaakov)? Why does the Tanach emphasize that Hiram was like a brother to Shlomo and Hirah was Yehuda’s best friend? How could Shlomo give Hiram 20 cities in the…

  • Levanon – lecture 12

    Levanon – lecture 12

    Both King David and King Solomon had good relations with Hiram, King of Tyre. How did they make a covenant with Hiram, contrary to the strict prohibition of making covenants with the people of Canaan? And why do the prophets describe a future destruction and a special punishment that will befall Tyre? What is the…