
Tanach InSITE presents the close relationship between the Land of Israel and the TANACH (the Biblical Old Testament).

The TANACH has been studied for thousands of years as the History and Laws of the Children of Israel. As such, it has been traditionally studied sequentially- BOOK by BOOK, from the time of Creation through the times of the Forefathers, on through the times of the Judges, the Prophets and the Kings.

In fact, however, the TANACH is not just about the People of Israel. It is no less about the LAND of Israel. It follows, therefore, that it be studied SITE by SITE. In this series of lectures, we investigate the significance of the sites in the Land of Israel as they appear in the Tanach. Each mention in the Tanach is studied in all of its historical contexts.

This methodology was developed by Ben-Zion Lowinger (pronounced Levinger in Israel) over the past 10 years in weekly lectures which already encompass 15 sites and/or regions in the Holy Land and close to 300 lectures.

Ben-Zion’s rich and varied background includes Rabbinical ordination, a master’s degree in technology, Certification as an Israeli Tour-Guide, and Hi-Tech entrepreneurship. He and his wife, Suzie, were recently spotlighted in a Jerusalem Post Magazine article focusing on their accomplishments in the 50 years since their ALIYA (immigration) to Israel from the USA. “His vast knowledge of the Land…combined with his command and appreciation of the intricacies of the Bible resulted in a new way of learning”.


At its launch in December 2024, the site will already include over 90 lectures covering 5 locations: Chevron (Hebron), Yam Hamelach (Dead Sea), Azza, Levanon, and the Negev Region. It is envisioned that the other 10 sites studied with over 300 recorded lectures will be uploaded to the site within the following few months.  In addition, special lectures connecting Jewish Holidays to Sites in Israel will also soon be available. Thereafter, lectures will be added continuously.

-Why do certain events in the TANACH happen in specific locations?

-Why are events, many hundreds of years apart, recorded as having occurred in identical locations?

-Why does the TANACH make seemingly superfluous and repetitive mentions of Places in the LAND?

By focusing on these questions, each Biblical location takes on new significance as we discover that each site symbolizes a specific message.

Foremost credit goes to my wife, Dr. Susan Lowinger, a clinical Psychologist and Author. It is thanks to her that this project was born and brought to fruition.

Special thanks to the participants and friends from ELKANA, who have attended my lessons (and hikes) for 35 years. Their constructive comments and loyalty to the shiur and the TANACH have inspired me to create this site.

After moving to Jerusalem 9 years ago, the weekly TANACH lectures found an additional home in the Beit Boyer Congregation. The participants have become partners in learning as well as forming the core of a new circle of friends.

Ongoing Biblical research and study as well as new and exciting archeological finds continue to give us greater INSIGHT into the BIBLE and the LAND.

The Land of Israel continues to take on new meaning. The ingathering “People of the Book” are becoming the “People of the Land” as the Book and the Land merge into one. TANACH InSITE will continue to expand upon the significance of this exciting LAND-BOOK.